The day is done! The Yamhill Downtown Association is excited to share this great opportunity with everyone this spring and summer. Yamhill's mayor, Yvette Potter, came out to cut the ribbon for the literary walking tour with her grandson. The grant that enabled this event to take place was provided again this year by the Yamhill County Cultural Coalition/YCCC, along with an extra donation from Lee and Linda Shrebel. The modifications of the grant with Covid restrictions led the YDA to present outside, allowing for social distancing and summer fun!
After a short introduction of the contributing walk illustrator, Kara Weber, and the children's contest color page artist, Kimberly Howell the participants were ready to grab their brochure guides to the five historical locations. First Federal Bank volunteers passed out ice-cream cups for the walk. The interactive brochure encouraged children to find out which Beverly Cleary character is on each sign along the tour. A short Yamhill historical connection, along with information about Beverly Cleary and a character from one of her books is on each sign.
The semi-permanent tour signs were made by Joe of Wine Country Properties. Along with the support of Yamhill Public Works, Jason Wofford. The signs were installed by Tony and Kara Weber.
Vickie Conrad, the showcased children's author with her picture book biography, Just Like Beverly, came down from Seattle to share the fun day. She signed books and described her first time publishing experience with aspiring authors and illustrators at the the Larson House.
Many people took advantage of the event to eat lunch in one of the local restaurants. The brochures for the walking tour had coupons to several local businesses for people who completed the walk.
The tour ends at the start of our next project, connecting the literary walking tour to the park behind Public Works. It is intended for future renovations and will become a dog park for the community. The story path with writing prompts will continue into the park with the hope of new grants. Supporting community and literacy seems like a Beverly Cleary thing to do as we enjoy our neighbors.
It was a great opportunity to mix words and illustrations together to promote such an experience for the community. Please come visit Yamhill. We hope you join us on "A Walk With Beverly!" A literary walking tour about our small town history, highlighted with Beverly Cleary's fun, whimsical characters. Visit historic buildings and learn their story from stagecoaches to Model T cars, to Beverly's first family home. We hope you come away inspired to share stories to children.